Digital and Print for clinical trials


Site materials for enhanced recruitment and retention

Fine tuned messaging and creative design creating study resources tailored to each indication.

Unique Indications
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Clinical trials
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Project Information

Client Name : Various

Date : 2012-Present

Complexity of a site materials kit

Clinical trials site materials must work both towards recruiting new participants and engaging and retaining those who have enrolled.

For recruitment campaigns, compelling creative must make an emotional connection with the potential participant and their health condition. Displaying a clear understanding of the indication and showing compassion for the sufferer is needed to win confidence and gain support.

Retention materials such as Informed consent flip-charts, visit-by-visit guides and welcome booklets often contain more technical study information distilled from a protocol and clarified for easy patient understanding.

A final component of site materials are the physician facing materials such as Inclusion/Exclusion cards and  checklists and doctor to doctor referral brochures. These materials must be highly medically accurate and present complex study criteria in an easy to rapidly digest format.