Generation Program

Case Study

Alzheimer's Prevention Initiative

The Generation Studies sought to enroll healthy individuals aged 60-75 with normal memory and thinking abilities. Individuals were given a cheek swab and tested for a certain gene, APOE4, that has been linked to higher risks for Alzheimer’s Disease. Participants were than monitored, some receiving study medications, contributing to Alzheimer’s research and prevention.

Project Information

Client Name : Novartis

Date : 2016

Additional Design Work

To support these efforts, I developed study branding, patient recruitment and study participant materials based off of the existing Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry brand. Outreach efforts included digital and print ad campaigns and well as office signage and brochures for participating medical practices.

I also designed a suite of site materials including welcome guides, resource brochures and a trial participant website to keep patients informed and engaged throughout their study participation.